
Last Updated on: 27th April 2022, 01:40 pm

There is a new application available for Sparkers: RadioStation

What is RadioStation?

RadioStation is a fork off RadioTray-Lite, a lightweight clone of the original RadioTray online radio streaming player rewritten in C++.

Online radio streaming player:
– Runs on a Linux system tray.
– Has minimum interface possible.
– Plays most media formats (it uses gstreamer).
– Supports PLS, M3U, ASX, RAM, XSPF playlists.

Installation (Debian/Sparky stable & testing):

sudo apt update
sudo apt install radiostation

or via APTus-> AudioPlayers-> RadioStation.

Changes between the latest RadioTray-Lite 0.2.18 and RadioStation 0.2.19:
– updated up to present libs versions
– added new genres and stations
– renamed to the new one

Please test the new application and report your suggestions, issues, and anything else at our forums, please.

If you would like to add your favorite radio station, simply send it to the GitHub repos.

License: GNU GPL 3
GitHub repo:


1 thought on “RadioStation”

  1. I added this station to bookmarks.xml in Chillout group :

    Maybe you can add it to official bookmarks.


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