How to install SparkyLinux 2.x/3.x on a hard drive?

Last Updated on: 29th April 2022, 07:30 pm

To install SparkyLinux on a hard/usb drive run desktop’s “SparkyLinux installer” icon.
You can also use text mode installer – instead of GUI:
sudo sparkylinux-installer


1. Target system’s language

1. Run the installer and click “Yes”.

SparkyLinux installer

2. The installer will install the system with locales you’ve chosen at start boot and US English keyboard layout. If you’d like to change it click “Yes”.

SparkyLinux installer

3. Mark your language and click “Forward”.

SparkyLinux installer

4. Choose your language if different than English.

SparkyLinux installer

5. Choose keyboard model.

SparkyLinux installer

6. Change keyboard layout if different than English.

SparkyLinux installer

7. Choose your keyboard.

SparkyLinux installer

8. At this step choose default settings.

SparkyLinux istaller

2. Partitions

9. Make preperation for new partitions for SparkyLinux.

SparkyLinux installation

10. Choose a disk (if you have more than one) for the new system installation.

SparkyLinux installation

11. GParted disk partitioner will run itself so create at least 2 partitions (maximum 3) :
– root partition “/” – minimum size 5GB (10 GB recommended) – “Eris edition”
– root partition “/” – minimum size 20GB (30 GB recommended) – “GameOver edition”
– SWAP partition – minimum size 256MB (512MB recommended)
– additionally you can create “home” partition for your personal files

Sparkylinux disk partitionig

12. After closing down the GParted window, choose the SWAP partition.

SparkyLinux SWAP

13. Choose the “root” partition for system files.

SparkyLinux root partition

14. Choose file system for the “root partition” (ext4 recommended). It will be formatted.

SparkyLinux file system

15. Choose a partition for your “home” folder if you have one.

SparkyLinux home partition

16. Choose file system for the “home” folder (will be formatted). If you would like to share your existing “home” partition with your other Linux account, choose “do not format”. The partition will be not formatted then.

SparkyLinux home partition

3. Users and passwords

17. Now:
– type your system administrator (root) password twice
– type your real name
– type your new user nick name
– type your password twice
– type your host name

SparkyLinux users

4. Bootloader

18. Choose a place for GRUB bootloader installation (MBR recommended).

SparkyLinux GRUB installation

5. Timezone

19. System clock settings. To set up your time zone choose “Yes”.

SparkyLinux clock settings

SparkyLinux time zone

6. Installation

20. If all the information is correct, click “Yes” to start installation process.

SparkyLinux installation

21. First the newly created partitions will be formatted.

SparkyLinux partitions foramtting

22. Now, all system files will be copied into the partitions.

SparkyLinux files coping

23. Next, the installer will do post-installation work.

SparkyLinux post-installation

24. As the last step, the GRUB bootloader will be installed.

SparkyLinux GRUB installation

25. The installation process ended, reboot your computer now.

SparkyLinux end installation

You should install a few extra language packages via Synaptic (or apt-get).
For Polish for example install:
– wpolish
– myspell-pl
– aspell-pl
– iceweasel-l10n-pl
– icedove-l10n-pl
– libreoffice-l10n-pl

For your language, replace “pl” for your country code.

Have a nice work and fun with SparkyLinux !

29 thoughts on “How to install SparkyLinux 2.x/3.x on a hard drive?”

  1. Hi all,
    just having a an issue, not sure which version i should download. I’m wanting SparkyLinux 3.6 LXDE, Am I wanting the i586 non-pae or x86_64?

  2. Just installed 3.5.1 E19 (32 BIT) Thanks so much for this detailed instruction set, I would have given up without it. God Bless
    Now if I can just get the system to stop asking for keyring password after cold boot !

  3. the live disk works well!
    to install one must be a partitioning expert it seems! i keep run into dead end screen that forces me to quit installation.


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