Translators needed

Last Updated on: 29th March 2022, 10:15 pm

I have started translating Sparky tools so it can be available in your native language if you would like to help with translating.

If you would like to help us translating Sparky tools, do:
– Download (Save as…) the en file of a selected Sparky tool.
– Open it with a text editor an save with a new name, depends on the new language (for example: German translating – the file name will be de)
– Translate all the text to your language, including the .desktop file’s name and comment; add you name/nick-name to the file header; change English localization to yours in the file header. Preferred license is GPL.
– Send me the new file via e-mail to: pavroo(at)onet(dot)eu

There are 3 apps translated to Polish already and The English files are ready to translating now:
– Sparky APTus Extra
– Sparky Live USB Creator
– Sparky USB Disk Formatter

The status of the job and files to be downloaded are ready at the Wiki page:

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