Sparky USB Formatter

Last Updated on: 28th April 2022, 07:48 pm

Due to changes in Debian testing repositories, package ‘udisks’ in not longer available, which is a dependency of ‘mintstick’.

There is no reason to fight with that, I just made something different, instead of the MintStick.

1. Sparky Live USB Creator, which is a GUI front-end of the ‘dd’ command, and is available in our repository long time.
2. Sparky USB Formatter is a new tool, which can format a USB stick as you wish. It is available in our repository now, so please install and test it.

USB Formatter installation:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sparky-usb-formatter

Sparky Live USB Creator and Sparky USB Formatter will replace MintStick in the next Sparky 4.2 release.

The second point of matter is, that Sparky USB Formatter is the first Sparky app, which uses locales files. In this moment, the tool uses English or Polish locales only.

If you can help with translating to other languages, just let me know.
I will make another post, when I’ll be ready to let you know how to manage with locale’s files.

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