2016 roadmap

Plans and task for the 2016 are done. Check it out at our forums: forum.sparkylinux.org and the Dev’s Wiki: sourceforge.net/p/sparkylinux/wiki/Current%20works%20schedule/ Feel free to join the discussion and add your suggestions and other things.

24th Grand Finale of GOCC

sparky cd

In January 10, 2016 is next, the 24th Grand Finale of GOCC! Target: Buying medical equipment for pediatric wards and providing decent medical care for seniors. From Wikipedia: The Grand Orchestra of Christmas Charity (GOCC, Polish Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy, WOŚP) is one of the biggest, non-governmental, non-profit, charity organizations in Poland. The GOCC Foundation … Read more

SparkyLinux 4.2-dev Budgie

sparky 4.2 budgie

There are new, testing iso images of SparkyLinux 4.2 Budgie Desktop. Sparky 4 is based on and fully compatible with Debian testing “Stretch”. The iso images provide the Budgie Desktop 10.2.1 installed on the top of SparkyLinux 4.2. The base system has been upgraded from Debian testing repository as of January 04, 2016, and runs … Read more

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