Sparky 2024.07~dev0 with CLI Installer’s home encryption and Midori

sparky cli installer home encrypt

This is an update of Sparky semi-rolling iso images (MinimalGUI and MinimalCLI only) of the Debian testing line, which provides 2 notable changes: 1. Sparky CLI Installer with home partition encrypting The Sparky CLI Installer got a new option which lets you encrypt and secure your separate home partition. If you choose this option, the … Read more

Sparky CLI Installer with autopartitioning

sparky cli installer autopartitioning

The latest version of Sparky CLI Installer provides a few changes, such as added autopartitioning option and so, setting the target system a little faster: – autopartitioning of selected disk – removes all data of the chosen disk – auto creates and formattes 3 partitions: root, swap and efi if required – requires 15 GB … Read more

Sparky Desktop 20180815.1

There is a new version of Sparky Desktop 20180815.1 package in our repository. The ‘sparky-desktop’ is a module of APTus which lets you install, reinstall or remove a desktop. Due to problems with uninstalling all desktops, new configuration has been implemented to make sure that a chosen desktop is properly removed from your system. The … Read more


debi-tool 0.1

There is a new, small tool available for Sparkers: DEBiTool. What is DEBiTool? It is a small tool which lets you install a deb package from your local disk, and reinstall or remove it as well. It uses Yad to display all messages. It can be used as an alternative for GDebi-GTK or GDebi-KDE. The … Read more

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