Special edition’s meta packages

Last Updated on: 5th September 2021, 11:51 am

Due to a few requests on our forums and via messages I received, the special editions meta packages are ready in Sparky’s repso.

What’s that?
The meta packages install all additional extra tools, applications, games, etc. required by the specific Sparky special edition.

The meta packages can be installed on the top of your existing Sparky installation, and any desktop environment / window manager you like.

To install them, refresh package list:
sudo apt update
and install what you would like.

A set of GameOver edition tools and games:
sudo apt install sparky-meta-game
A set of Multimedia edition tools:
sudo apt install sparky-meta-multimedia
A set of Rescue edition tools:
sudo apt install sparky-meta-rescue

Make sure that many of the Rescue edition tools work in text mode only, and do not have menu entries. A full menu is provided by ‘obmenu-generator-rescue’ which is designed to the Openbox window manager.

More about special editions can be found on Sparky Wiki pages.

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