SparkyLinux 4.5.1 MinimalGUI

Last Updated on: 20th September 2023, 12:27 pm

There is an update of Sparky 4.5.1 MinimalGUI available to download.

The Sparky Advanced Installer doesn’t work as it should in the MinimaGUI edition, if you are trying to install an additional desktop. The installer calls a ‘desktop-installer’, but it does not coming back to the main installer with right privileges after. It used to do before, but not any more.

You do not re-install your already installed Sparky.
You can also use existing Sparky 4.5 MinimalGUI iso images, but if you’d like to install a different desktop, run the Advanced Installer from the command line:
sudo sparkylinux-installer gui
sudo sparkylinux-installer

The updated MinimalGUI 4.5.1 iso images provide a fix of the small issue.

Live is crazy, anyway…

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