SparkyLinux 4.0 RC KDE

Last Updated on: 28th April 2022, 09:08 pm

We have a new Sparky spin with KDE desktop.

SparkyLinux 4.0 RC KDE is based on Debian “testing” and features a graphics environment based on Qt stack and set of applications for every purpose, such as:
– Internet: Iceweasel, KMail, Kopete, Konversation, Akregator, Korganizer, Kget, Ktorrent, Gufw, Choqok, Kdeconnect
– Multimedia: SMPlayer2, VLC, Amarok, k3B, KMix, Smtube
– Graphics: Gwenview, Gimp, Skanlite, Print-manager
– Office: LibreOffice, Okular, Kate
– Others: Kcalc, Knotes, Kscreensaver, Ksnapshot, Klipper

Sparky KDE spin is shipped with a set of multimedia codecs and plugins as well.

The Qtcurve theme and ultra flat icon set called Ultra-Flat-Icons are responsible of the desktop look.
There is available an additional theme Dream2Unlimited for Qtcurve and a set of 16 flat window’s themes (in our repositories).

Sparky APTus has gotten additional, small functions:
– KDE language packages installation
– i686-pae kernel installation on 32 bit systems

Sparky KDE consumes after a hard drive installation (approx):
– 32 bit: 300 MB RAM memory
– 64 bit: 480 MB RAM memory.

Sparky KDE is targeted to users of newer machines.
The minimum of RAM memory is 1 GB (2 GB recommended).
CPU 1 x 2GHz or faster.

If you think that there is something can be fixed, installed or removed from the KDE spin’s iso image, simply let us know that.

The new RC iso images of SparkyLinux can be downloaded from our testing download page.

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