SparkyLinux 3.5 MATE, Xfce, Openbox & JWM is out

Last Updated on: 29th April 2022, 01:49 pm

SparkyLinux 3.5 “Annagerman” MATE, Xfce and Base Openbox & JWM is out.

New Live/Install iso images provide packages update and a few changes.
All packages have been synchronized with Debian “testing” repository as of 22/09/2014.

Base Edition is available in two separated flavours now: Openbox and JWM.
JWM Edition offers traditional desktop look and minimal set of applications as well as Openbox Edition. JWM Edition uses a little less the computer’s power even that Openbox and can be used on old machines. Sparky JWM 32 bit consumes less that 90 MB of RAM memory after installation on a hard drive.

All multimedia packages have been removed from Base Editions so both of them are codecs free now.

The system runs on Linux kernel 3.14.2 (3.14.15-2) and offers:
– MATE 1.8.1
– Xfce 4.10.1
– Openbox 3.2.5-7
– JWM 2.1.0
– ‘Custom ISO Builder’ – lets you rebuild iso images of SparkyLinux
– ‘Sparky-APTus-Extra’ – lets you quick install additional applications from SparkyLinux repository
– ‘Sparky Conky Manager’ has been updated up to version 0.1.6 having new option which lets change the color
– ‘TrueCrypt’ has been removed from the system – the reason is well known for everybody for sure. There is zuluCrypt available in our repo, which offers a CLI and GUI front-end for ‘cryptsetup’.

Added new repository and the public keys:
– virtualbox
– liquorix
– google earth
– google talk plugin
– google music manager

Additional repositories are off.
To activate a new repo go to Synaptic-> Repository or Sparky APTus-> Repository-> Additional Repository Edition

All the ISO images can be downloaded from download page



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