SparkyLinux 3.0.1 Ultra update

Last Updated on: 5th September 2021, 12:34 pm

This is an update of SparkyLinux 3.0.1 Ultra Edition ready for download.
The last system upgrade from Debian “testing” repositories caused an error of “marchobmenu”, which is pre-installed as default with Openbox desktop.
The problematic package of the situation was “python-xdg” – its update from version 0.19-5 to 0.25-3 resulted losing compatibility with the “marchobmenu” (which is not updated for the last three years).

The solution is: downgrade the “python-xdg” package from Debian stable “Wheezy” repository and block it before updating.

The second option might be to replace the “marchobmenu” by the standard Debian menu.
See how to do that: Marchobmenu bug

New iso images of Sparky 3.0.1 Ultra provides (still) “marchobmenu”.

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