Sparky news 12/2013

Last Updated on: 4th September 2021, 11:37 pm

Our community member The Black Pig has created Sparky spin-off with Xfce desktop.
The system is based on Debian stable “Wheezy” and features Xfce DE and a few basic applications. It’s perfect if you want to build your desktop yourself. If you are interesting with that, join to the forum’s discussion.
There is a download link too.

I have released a new Sparky spin-off with Trinity desktop, which is based on Debian “Wheezy” too.
It was a kind of experiment and I don’t know I’ll be continuing that.

Sparky 3.x has been updated and new iso images of Sparky 3.2 LXDE, Ultra and Razor-Qt have been released. Other Sparky 3.2 versions will be published soon.

MiroZarta created DVD labels for Sparky 3.2.
They can be downloaded from his account:

The application ‘sparky-aptus’ got a new option ‘Fix Broken’ to fix not/wrong installed/upgraded packages.

And we have new app called ‘sparky-tray’, which gives quick access to package management: Sparky APTus, Synaptic, repository list editor and root terminal emulator.


3 thoughts on “Sparky news 12/2013”

  1. Sparky_Linux (Xfce etc) runs live and installs from multiboot usb flash nicely. VERY nice.
    Good work, TBP!

    (There have been (deniable) rumors from the DebIan community about Xfce …)

  2. Xfce works nicely on Testing. I’ve been running a modified Sparky CLI with XFCE (and X) installed for some time now. To tell the truth I can’t imagine using anything else right now. Maybe we should consider using Xfce also? One thing that is quite troublesome though: the xfprint4 package (Xfce printing settings and management) are non-existent on Testing and Unstable. :/


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