Sparky Backup System 20150119

Last Updated on: 28th April 2022, 09:13 pm

Sparky Backup System tool has been updated up to version 20150119.
It lets you rebuild your present installation of Sparky and make a backup/remix which can be installed on a different partition/disk/machine.

– added support for EFI – lets you build new remix which can be working on machines with BIOS or EFI motherboard
– added support for lxqt, gnome and cinnamon desktops (settings auto copy)
– added option to auto create a package-list.txt file
– sparkylinux-installer (old) – fixed minnor problem with formatting partitions
– many small improvements and bug fixing

This tool can be used with Yad based GUI or via command line:
sudo sparkybackup /option/

It provides support for auto copy settings of the following desktops/window managers:
– afterstep
– cinnamon
– enlightenment
– fluxbox
– fvmw
– gnome
– icewm
– jwm
– kde
– lxde
– lxqt
– mate
– openbox
– pekwm
– razor-qt
– xfce

I haven’t built a new remix on a machine with EFI motherboard, so if you can just do it and let me know about the results.
If you find any problem, bug, etc. or have a suggestion simply let us know about that on our forums.

Installing/upgrading the present version of the ‘sparky-backup-sys-20150119’ can remove ‘systemd-sysv’ package.
Install it back before rebooting your system.
Without that you will probably not be able to boot the system.

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