Sparky Backlight 0.2

Last Updated on: 13th November 2023, 05:01 pm

Sparky Backlight has been upgraded up to v0.2.0.

What is Sparky Backlight?

Sparky Backlight is a small tool which lets you change the desktop brightness via the panel’s tray icon. The tool is targeted to small window managers such as JWM or Openbox, but can be used on any desktop.

– uses xrandr instead of xbacklight now
– autodetects and uses your primary monitor
– let you dim your monitor with -20, -40, -60 and -80% now
– should works on any desktop environment and window manager with a panel’s tray running.

Installation/upgrade (Sparky all):

sudo apt update
sudo apt install sparky-backlight

It autolaunches after next login, or can be manually started via the command:

License: GNU GPL


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