Sparky 5.0

Last Updated on: 28th April 2022, 01:06 pm

There are new live/install iso images of SparkyLinux 5.0 “Nibiru” available to download.
Sparky 5 follows rolling release model and is based on Debian testing branch “Buster”.

From Wikipedia:

In Babylonian astronomy, Nibiru (in cuneiform spelled dné-bé-ru or MULni-bi-rum). The term refers to the equinox and the astronomical objects associated with it…
…Nibiru was considered the seat of the summus deus who shepherds the stars like sheep, in Babylon identified with Marduk.

Sparky “Home” edition provides fully featured operating system with lightweight desktops: LXQt, MATE and Xfce.

As usually, Sparky MinimalGUI (Openbox) and MinimalCLI (text based) lets you install the base system with a minimal set of applications and a desktop of your choice, via the Sparky Advanced Installer.

Changes between version 4.5 and 5.0:
– full system upgraded from Debian testing repos as of July 14, 2017
– Linux kernel 4.11.6 as default (4.12.x is available in Sparky ‘unstable’ repo)
– new theme “Sparky5”
– new theme of LXQt edition
– new default wallpaper created by our community member “barti”
– new set of wallpapers of the Nature category, with a few nice landscapes from Poland
– Calamares 3.1.1 as the default system installer
– new tool for checking and displaying notification on your desktop about available updates

Other changes:
– added new repos (not active):
– email client Icedove replaced by Thunderbird
– changed http to https protocol of all Sparky services, including repository; updating the ‘sparky-apt’ package fixes it automatically
– added two new live system boot options:
1. toram – lets you load the whole live system into ram memory (if you have enough);
2 – text mode – if any problem with normal or failsafe boot, this option runs sparky in text mode and lets you install it using the advanced installer

Sparky edition based on the Openbox window manager (MinimalGUI) has gotten 3 key shortcuts:
– Super+t -> terminal emulator
– Super+r -> gexec
– Super+q -> logout window

No system reinstallation is required.

If you have Sparky up to 4.5 installed on your hard drive, simply make full system upgrade:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

If any problem, run:
sudo dpkg --configure -a
sudo apt-get install -f

New iso images of the rolling edition can be downloaded from download/rolling page.

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