Sparky 2020.02 Special Editions

Special editions of Sparky 2020.02 “Po Tolo” of the (semi-)rolling line: GameOver, Multimedia & Rescue have been released. It is based on the testing branch of Debian “Bullseye”.

GameOver Edition features a very large number of preinstalled games, useful tools and scripts. It’s targeted to gamers.

Multimedia Edition features a large set of tools for creating and editing graphics, audio, video and HTML pages.

The live system of Rescue Edition contains a large set of tools for scanning and fixing files, partitions and operating systems installed on hard drives.

• system upgraded from Debian testing repos as of February 16, 2020
• Calamares 3.2.18 + kpmcore 3.3.0
• Firefox 73.0
• LibreOffice 6.4.1-rc1
• Linux kernel 5.4.13 as default (5.5.4 & 5.6-rc2 in Sparky unstable repos)
• GCC 10 compiler is installed, alongside to GCC 9 (default)
• vokoscreen replaced by vokoscreen-ng
• camorama replaced by cheese
• removed packages from Multimedia iso: composite, hydrogen, videocut, phatch
• added packages to Multimedia iso: MystiQ
• added the new Sparky public key

System reinstallation is not required, install the new Sparky public key as follows:

wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -

and make full system upgrade.

New rolling iso images can be downloaded from the download/rolling page.


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