Sparky 2019.12

There are new live/install media of Sparky 2019.12 “Po Tolo” available to download, which is based on the testing branch of Debian “Bullseye”.

• system upgraded from Debian testing “Bullseye” repos as of December 1, 2019
• Calamares installer 3.2.17
• Linux kernel 5.3.9 as default (5.4.1 & 5.3.14 in Sparky unstable repos)

No reinstallation is required if you have Sparky 2019.xx (of the line 6) installed, simply make full system upgrade.

New rolling iso images can be downloaded from the download/rolling page.

Known issues:
• encryption mode only – it works if you don’t use swap partition (automated partitioning on virtual machine tested only)


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