Old repos removed

Last Updated on: 7th October 2023, 03:51 pm

A few months ago, in March 2020, new named repositories for Sparky have been created :

• oldstable-> tyche
• stable-> nibiru
• testing-> potolo

It will help to make painless dist upgrade from present Sparky testing to next Sparky stable, and from present Sparky stable to oldstable as well.

As I mentioned before, the old repos: ‘oldstable’, ‘stable’ and ‘testing’ have been removed now, they are not needed any more.

There is no need to update Sparky repos manually if you keep Sparky up to date; the present repositories have been provided as a regular update a few months ago.

If you haven’t done it yet, you can set repository manually, check the Wiki page: wiki.sparkylinux.org/doku.php/repository

The ‘core’ and ‘unstable’ repos with changes.

Let me know if you find any problem, please.

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