System upgrade 2015-07-21

  The last system upgrade makes some changes in the system so be careful. It wants to remove some packages: Packages to be removed: audacity avidemux avidemux-plugins avidemux-qt browser-plugin-vlc dvd95 gnome-control-center gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly kadu libasound2-plugins:i386 libcheese-gtk23 libcheese7 libopencv-calib3d2.4 libopencv-contrib2.4 libopencv-features2d2.4 libopencv-highgui2.4 libopencv-legacy2.4 libopencv-objdetect2.4 mencoder minitube ogmrip phonon phonon-backend-vlc skype:i386 twolame vlc vlc-nox vlc-plugin-notify New … Read more

Sparky rebranding

sparky grub2

Last week me and MoroS have been working on Sparky rebranding. The job is done now so you can get all the changes on yours present Sparky installations. What does the Sparky rebranding mean? Sparky iso image installs the system based on Debian testing with Sparky tools, touch and some additional elements. But the system … Read more

Sparky APTus on Debian and Ubuntu

If you’d like to install Sparky APTus on Debian, Ubuntu or their spins, simply do: 1. Open a text console and add Sparky repository: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sparky.list 2. Add the text to the file: deb main 3. Get Sparky public key: wget -O – | sudo apt-key add – 4. Refresh package list: … Read more

How To SparkyLinux CLI 3.4 and above

SparkyLinux CLI started from version 3.4 features only: – core system of Debian testing – network manager wicd-cli – file manager, text editor and ftp client Midnight Commander – web browser eLinks – the old installer (sparkylinux-installer) – set of wifi cards drivers – unzip, unrar, p7zip-full, ntfs-3g, nano, ufw How to make internet connection? … Read more

How to: Set monitor resolution

Monitors resolution used to be set properly during a live system testing and/or the hard drive installation. In some cases, some monitors settings have to be fixed manually. This short tutorial lets you set it right. 1. As the first step, check what exact resolution of your monitor is offered by the monitor producer. 2. … Read more

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