SparkyLinux 3.6 LXDE, MATE, Razor-Qt & Xfce

Last Updated on: 28th April 2022, 09:26 pm

I am happy to announce the fourth and the last this year iso images of SparkyLinux 3.6 “Annagerman” LXDE, MATE, Razor-Qt and Xfce. At the beginning, I’d like to thank to all of our small but strong community members for their help with searching and solving bugs and problems.

SparkyLinux 3.6 provides (as usual) all packages updating, some bug fixing and small improvements, such as:
– Linux kernel 3.16.0-4 (3.16.7-2)
– xfce 4.10.1
– lxde-common 0.99.0
– razor-qt 0.5.2-4
– mate 1.8.1
– openbox 3.5.2-8
– grub 2.02~beta2
– Twitter’s microblogging client Hotot replaced by Turpial (Hotot is not under development any more)
– the new wallpaper ‘Vortex’ by LiquidSky64
– Sparky Conky Manager updated up to version 0.1.7 having a new applet of battery status

System has been synchronized with Debian “testing” repository as of 03/12/2014.

Added new apps:
– sparky-aptus-upgrade (System Upgrade) – small (recommended) tool for system upgrading
– sparky-systemd-ui – a metapackage which gives you an access to systemd settings as root

Removed packages:
– sparky-tray
– old, deprecated mate packages of 1.4 & 1.6

The Live system is available in English only.
You can choose any localization during the hard drive’s installation process.

Use the new iso images to perform fresh Sparky installation.
If you have Sparky installed already on your hard drive, make full system upgrade (as root):
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
apt-get install -f

In a case of any problem visit our forums.

New iso images of SparkyLinux for 32 and 64 bit machines can be downloaded from our download page. Following changes in Debian testing, the 32 bit kernel is targeted for i586 (non-pae) machines now.

New wallpapers can be downloaded from our account on

Other Sparky 3.6 editions will be released soon.

Known problems:
– the live installer does not configure Plymouth (preinstalled)

To fix it, after installation edit ‘grub’ config file:
sudo nano /etc/default/grub
and change the line from:
sudo update-grub

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