New mirror in India

There is a new package and ISO mirror available for Sparkers: – India IN1 This mirror is provided by the Astian, Inc. organization: Thanks a lot! Mirrors configuration can be found at our Wiki: Make sure, the Singapore2 SI2 mirror is deleted so if you been using it, simply switch to Singapore1 SI1 … Read more

New mirrors in USA and Singapore

There are 3 new package and ISO mirrors available for Sparkers: – NY, USA: us1 – Singapore, Asia: si1 – Singapore, Asia: si2 All 3 mirrors are provided by the Astian, Inc. organization: Thanks a lot! Mirrors configuration can be found at our Wiki: We invite companies and organizations that would like to … Read more

Mirror in USA

There is a new repo mirror available for Sparkers, located in Chicago, USA. Mirror US1 is provided by the – thanks a lot! If you would like to provide a mirror repo server in your location, send a message via contact form, please. Requirements and settings: If you’d like, I can set … Read more

Mirrors in Germany

There are two, new repo mirrors available for Sparkers, both located in Germany. Mirror DE1 is provided by JackGrumbler: (not active any more) Mirror DE2 is provided by MoroS: Thanks a lot both, JackGrumbler and MoroS. If you would like to provide a mirror repo server in your location, send a message via … Read more

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