SparkyLinux 4.2 RC LXQt & KDE

Last Updated on: 18th November 2016, 02:13 am


There are new SparkyLinux 4.2 RC KDE & LXQt iso images ready for testing.

Due to changes in KDE, I have rebuilt the KDE and LXQt Sparky Editions.

– Removed all Plasma and KWin packages from LXQt edition. It uses Openbox window manager only and Qt/GTK based packages only.
– Removed as many as possible KDE4 packages from KDE Edition. It uses packages compatible with Plasma 5, but there are still a few applications based on KDE4 libs (akregator, knotes, kopete). Removed Konqueror and KMail replaced by Iceweasel and Icedove.
– The live installer supports autologin check box in KDE Edition with SDDM now.
– Global cleaning and some additional minor improvments and fixing.
– Added Sparky USB Formatter tool, which together with Sparky Live USB Creator replacing MintStick.
– Synchronized with Debian testing repos as of 2015/11/06

Hope everything works fine, but test it and report whatever abnormal, please.
The RC iso images can be downloaded from download/development/ page.

The Plasma 5 wallpaper is still loaded as default in KDE 64 bit edition, instead of Sparky’s wallpaper.


1 thought on “SparkyLinux 4.2 RC LXQt & KDE”

  1. Thanks this is a great project. I’m using it in a low equiped netbook, and it works fine. Thanks


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