SparkyLinux 4.0 RC

Last Updated on: 30th March 2022, 04:39 pm

I am happy to announce SparkyLinux 4.0 RC.
The new iso images provide the release candidate, before the final version of 4.0 will be out.

SparkyLinux 4.0 RC is available in two versions:
– LXDE – our flagship edition with lightweight LXDE desktop, full set of selected applications and functions
– Openbox – “Base” edition with ultra lightweight Openbox desktop, which gives a nice and solid base to build personalized desktop on the top of Debian testing.

The most important changes between Sparky 3.6 and 4.0 RC:
– massive numbers of updates from Debian testing and SparkyLinux repositories
– full system rebranding, see HowTo: sparky-rebranding
– new flat theme “Sparky4”
– new flat icon set “Ultra-Flat-Icons”
– wallpaper “Vortex” by LiquidSky64
– the look of all the system’s elements has been fully integrated
– many visual improvement
– Gnome-Alsamixer replaced by Pulse Audio Mixer (LXDE edition)
– XChat replaced by HexChat
– Wbar has been removed
– traditional look of the desktop with one bottom’s panel
– updated Boot-Repair (available in Live system only)
– updated Live-Installer
– the default’s Sparky iso building tool is Sparky Backup System now; it works in a text console or using Yad based GUI – available in our repos
– many small improvements
– many improvements and bugs fixing of Sparky apps
– all the Sparky apps moved to SourceForge git repos

Many of the changes and improvements have been made thanks to suggestions of our small but strong community.

The new RC iso images of SparkyLinux can be downloaded from our testing download page.

8 thoughts on “SparkyLinux 4.0 RC”

  1. Sorry @pavroo, i just update apt-get and works fine!
    Again, this is a great debian based distro, Good work!
    best regards

  2. I download the sparkylinux 4.0RC, install in Virtualbox, but when i try to test sparkybackup, or Aptus-Extra for install something, dont work. This is because its a RC version?
    Great distro, by the way, @pavroo! thanks.

  3. I absolutely could not wait to download and install the Openbox edition of SparkyLinux 4, and I was not dissapointed. The flat icon set is absolutely on target with the over all theme rendering. Secondly, the new pipe menus are a added bonus. I will add Obmenu because I like to customize my menu layout and give extra personal touches, editing the menu may not be everyone’s flavor, but it is a great option for openbox. I appreciate the very quick, and easy new installer, new since my last install. I like to partition three sections and was quite easy, great for anyone who wishes to partition and not quite sure how to do it. I really like this openbox, best I’ve seen in a long while. Recommend this for anyone looking for a CrunchBang replacement, and can be fully customized to whatever appearance required. I recommend anyone take this one for a spin, won’t be disappointed. – nuffsaid

  4. Almost all the previous editions will be released as 4.0, means: LXDE, MATE, Xfce, Enlightenment, Openbox and JWM. Just I don’t have time to build all the RC iso images now.


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