SparkyLinux 3.6 GameOver

Last Updated on: 20th September 2023, 12:08 pm

SparkyLinux 3.6 “GameOver” is out.

“GameOver” is a special edition of Sparky targeted to gamers. It has been built on the top of the SparkyLinux 3.6 “Annagerman” and it’s fully compatible with Debian “testing” Jessie.

What is under the hood of GameOver 3.6 ?
– Linux kernel 3.16.0-4 (3.16.7-ckt2-1)
– all packages upgraded from Debian testing repositories as of 2014/12/31
– lxde-common 0.99.0-1
– openbox 3.5.2-8
– PCManFM 1.2.3-1
– Iceweasel 34.0-1
– vlc 2.2.0-rc2
– steam & steam-launcher
– desura for linux
– wine & playonlinux
– grub 2.02~beta2-19

Liquorix repository is enabled as default. It lets you upgrade the Linux kernel up to version 3.18 and Wine up to version 1.7 after installation Sparky on a hard drive

New applications:
– Sparky APTus Gamer – a small tool which lets you install all available system’s and machine’s game emulators. Most of them is located in Debian repos, and a few in Sparky repo as well
– Desura Installer – lets you install Desura client for Linux via one click
– EPSXE – (enhanced PSX emulator) is a PlayStation video game console emulator
– Kega Fusion – (also known simply as Fusion) is a Sega Mega Drive/Genesis emulator by Steve Snake and the third and final emulator of the Kega-series
– PPSSPP – is an open source PSP emulator available for Windows, MacOS, Linux and Android

A set of emulators of old machines and systems available via the package manager and Sparky APTus Gamer: AdvenceMENU, Atari800, DeSmuME, Desura Installer, DOSBox, DOSEMU, ePSXe, FCEUX, FS-UAE, GNOME Video Arcade, Hatari, Higan, Hega Fusion, MAME, Mednafen, MESS, Nestopia, PCSX, PlayOnLinux, PPSSPP, Steam, Stella, VisualBoyAdvance, Virtual Jaguar, Wine, Winetricks, Yabause, ZSNES.

A set of preinstalled games : 0ad, 3dchess, airstrike, alienblaster, amphetamine, antigravitaattori, armagetronad, asciijump, asylum, atomix, balder2d, barrage, berusky, billard-gl, biniax2, black-box, blobby, bloaboats, blockout2, brainparty, btanks, bygfoot, chromium-bsu, einstein, extremetuxracer, five-or-more, flare, four-in-a-row, freecraft, freedroid, frozen-bubble, funnyboat, gnome-chess, gnome-hearts, gnome-klotski, gnome-mahjongg, gnome-mastermind, gnome-mines, gnome-nibbles, gnome-robots, gome-sudoku, gnome-tetravex, gnubik, gnuchess, gnugo, gtkatlantic, gtkpool, gunroar, holdingnuts, iango, lbreakout2, lightsoff, liquidwar, ltris, maelstorm, megaglest, minetest, mokomaze, monopd, monsterz, moon-buggy, moon-lander, netmaze, netpanzer, neverball, neverputt, openarena, pacman, performous, pingus, quadrapassel, scorched3d, slimevolley, smc, snake4, snowballz, supertux, supertuxkart, swell-foop, tali, teeworlds, tennix, tetzle, tomatoes, transcend, warzone2100, wesnoth, widelands, xblast, xmoto, zaz

For some reasons I had to remove all previously preinstalled game emulators.
Adding the new tool Sparky APTus Gamer should help you installing any emulator.

Live system user is: live
Password: live
Root password is blank.

Minimum system requirements for SparkyLinux “GameOver” :
– CPU i586 / amd64
– 256 MB of RAM memory (some games need more than that – 500-1000MB recommended)
– an optical DVD drive or 4GB USB stick for Live medium
– 20 GB of space for installation on a hard drive (30GB recommended)
– 16 GB of Flash/Pen USB drive for “normal” installation (32GB recommended)

In a case of any problem with the live installer, you can try to use the older one as well (BIOS machines only):
sudo sparkylinux-installer
sudo sparkylinux-installer gui

New iso images of SparkyLinux you can grab from our download page

Informacja o wydaniu w języku polskim:

6 thoughts on “SparkyLinux 3.6 GameOver”

  1. Sorry guys, I can not.
    That’s why I created the new tool called ‘Sparky APTus Gamer’ which lets you install any emulator via just one click.

  2. Why to remove emulators?

    Im sticking with 3.4.1

    Such a shame!!!

    I hope a new version is released

  3. When gameover version was 3.4 I wanted to ask for dos games preinstalled 3.6 upgrade but didn’t ask because it must be a small thing and I should put some effort before I ask you for it. I know there are millions of perfect dos games which can be run using dos emulator. Some linux games don’t have any help or instructions about controls operated in games. Dos games are awesome. We really don’t want 8 GB games with lots of graphics-eye candy. Dos games don’t have much eye candy but they are good if we have interest, time and imagination and who know what else…

    I never play games because of my health problems but, if we human conquer death and if we could live forever I would like be part of this team and yes I will games after repairing my genetic material.

    Thanks to pavroo and his team we have amazing linux distro going on.

    I fear hp is releasing new super computers and new linux distro and then dump their linux and build new operating system from scratch.

    I just hope the memories of sparkylinux never fade away.

    Nothing much happens in terms of my brain activity but I sincerely thank pavroo and his team for this amazing linux distro.

    My humble opinion: Sparkylinux is the best.

    I’m hoping news guys are using sparkylinux by the minute time and again.

    Yet more are required to do so.


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