SparkyLinux 3.5.1 E19 is out

Last Updated on: 28th April 2022, 09:30 pm

SparkyLinux 3.5.1 “Annagerman” Enlightenment 19 is ready to go.

What is “under the hood” of SparkyLinux 3.5.1 E19?

ISO image of SparkyLinux 3.5.1 E19 Live/Install provides packages updating from Debian ‘testing’ repository and updating Enlightenment packages from the git repository.

The Enlightenment packages have been updated up to version
The system runs on Linux kernel 3.16 with systemd 215-5.

This edition joined to the Sparky Base Edition group.
What does it mean?
The ISO image features base system, X Server, Enlightenment and a minimal set of tools.
You have gotten a ready to use environment to configure it as you like. Install additional applications via Synaptic, Sparky-APTus, Sparky-APTus-Extra or just APT.

SparkyLinux 3.5.1 E19 features two themes for your choice.

1. RadianceE19-Sparky – it’s a RadianceE19 modified theme. The theme has been prepered to be fitted to the Sparky’s default GTK theme ‘Sparky3-theme’ and the icon set ‘NoirCrystal’.
The wallpaper is made by LiquidSky64.
The Radiance theme originally created by Alberto “Duma” Verdoja and released under a CC-by license.

2. Default (the default Enlightenment theme) + DeLorean-Dark GTK theme for integration with GTK based applications.

SparkyLinux is rolling release system so you don’t have to reinstall your existing ‘E’ edition.
Simply leave the Enlightenment desktop and make upgrade as following.

E17 users:
apt-get remove e17 && apt-get autoremove
apt-get update
apt-get install e19 dolorean-dark

E18 users:
apt-get remove enlightenment && apt-get autoremove
apt-get update
apt-get install e19 dolorean-dark

Sparky 3.5 E19-dev users (recommended):
apt-get remove e19 && apt-get autoremove
apt-get update
apt-get install e19 dolorean-dark

or (it does not remove ‘e19-dev’ packages):
apt-get apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
apt-get install dolorean-dark

Check has been the upgrade done well:
apt-get install -f

Known issues:
– module ‘cpufreq’ is off in 32 bit edition due to problem with permissions, even set it up as it should be
– module ‘systray’ still doesn’t work, so it’s off too. The system tray is provided by LXDE panel ‘lxpanel’ (minimalized)
– libglib2.0 2.40.0-5 and its libs have been not upgraded to the newest version 2.42.0-1 due to an issue – don’t upgrade it and wait for a newer version

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