SparkyLinux 2.1 RC “Eris” MATE Edition

Last Updated on: 29th April 2022, 07:09 pm

SparkyLinux 2.1 RC “Eris” MATE Edition is out.

The system is built as all 2.x releases on Debian testing “Wheezy”.

Changes between 2.1 MATE beta1 and RC:
– SparkyLinux 2.0, 2.0.1 and 2.1 MATE beta 1 (Live) contain an error that prevents wireless network configuration, partition mounting and switching between Live desktops (e17/LXDE and Ultra Fluxbox/Openbox 2.1 rc). The error is active when you run the iso from USB stick.
2.1 RC MATE is free of the error so it means that hybrid iso will be working now well from DVD media and USB drive.
– all packages have been upgraded as usually from Debian testing repo
– Opera web browser’s public key has been added – Opera can be installed now via package manager
– added ConkyEdit menu activator
– added new LaGaDesk-BlackWhite icon set – it’s not default
– 64 bit version is available too
– removed two problematic packages (64bit only) (Ultra)

If you downloading via BitTorrent, please seed – I have limited access to the network.

Many thanks for:
– MATE Edition beta 1 testing and bugs reporting for everyone and
– new icon set and consulting for Albedo 0.64

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