SparkyLinux 2.0 RC Trinity is out

Last Updated on: 29th April 2022, 05:10 pm

Over a month ago I started testing Trinty – a fork of KDE 3.x – I was curious of progress of the TDE project. My tests went fairly hard, mainly due to lack of time and a few bugs. This week I was able to complete all the things so I decided to make an iso image of Sparky with TDE.

The project Trinity goes well (in my way) and I hope it will be developed in the future.
I’m not a big fan (never been) of GNOME 3 and KDE 4, but GNOME 2 and KDE 3 is a completely different story.

SparkyLinux 2.0 RC Trinity is based on Debian ‘stable’ branch ‘Wheezy’, that’s why has gotten number 2. It runs on Linux kernel 3.2, but added backports repository will let you install a newer kernel. All packages have been updated from Debian and Trinity repositories as of 2013-11-30. The Trinity environment and all its components are in version

SparkyLinux Trinity features the default set of drivers, codecs, plugins and apps, such as:
internet: akregator, iceweasel, kget, kmail, ksirc, ktorrent, konqueror, konversation, kopete, krdc, krfb, wicd
multimedia: amarok, k3b, kmix, krec, smplayer2, vlc
graphics: gimp, gwenview, ksnapshot, kooka
office: kaddressbook, karm, knotes, korganizer, kpdf, kpresenter, kspread, kword, kexi

The Live system Live runs in English only (en_US). You can set your locale when installing Sparky on a hard/usb drive. After installation TDE needs a language package to be installed – read README.TXT file and set the new language in TDE Control Center.

64 bit system supports installation of 32 bit packages.

Minimum system requirements:
– CPU i386 or amd64
– RAM memory 384MB
– 5GB of hard drive or flash USB stick for installation – 10GB recommended
– an optical drive or USB port

Sparky Trinity 32 bit consumes 115 MB of RAM memory only (on my machine) so I think it’s really good result. 64 bit version uses two times more RAM than 32 bit – it’s about 220MB.

I wanna say that it’s a kind of experiment and I don’t know I will keep developing the version.
If somebody will be interesting with that, we can talk about that at our forum.

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1 thought on “SparkyLinux 2.0 RC Trinity is out”

  1. Sparky_Linux runs live and installs from multiboot usb flash nicely, unlike DebIan Live. Too cool!
    The Trinity/Kde3 spin finds my HP all-in-one printer, and scans okay with it too; even gave my display more/better resolution options than most.
    Yours looks (to me) like pure DebIan (IceWeasel, IceApe, etc) – is it pure Freed Open-Source, does it meet DebIan FS Guidelines?


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