Sparky Play & Sparky Player

Last Updated on: 27th April 2022, 03:04 pm

There are two new, small tools available for Sparkers: Sparky Play MP3 and Sparky Player.

What is Sparky Play MP3?
It is a simply, small, Yad based tool which lets you search directories and play mp3 audio files.

The tool lets you:
– choose a directory to be searched using a keyword (singer, song name, etc, whatever is used in a name of a mp3 file) or
– use * to find all mp3 files in a chosen directory
– display all mp3 files been found in a drop down menu
– play your mp3 files

sudo apt update
sudo apt install sparky-play

The Sparky Play MP3 project page:
The tool is created by Elton, partly based on a work of Raimundo Portela, with my small improvements.


The second tool is Sparky Player.
What is Sparky Player?
It is a simply and very small tool which lets play any audio or video file, which…
– it is available from a context menu only
– it doesn’t provide a standard’s desktop menu entry
– it doesn’t provide any button and other graphical features
– it calls and uses ‘ffplay’ to play all audio and video files
– it supports all audio and video files which are supported by ‘ffplay’ via ‘libavcodecs’

sudo apt update
sudo apt install sparky-player

Just mark your audio or video file and choose ‘Sparky Player’ to let it play, or set ‘Sparky Player’ as a default player for a chosen multimedia file.

Anyway, it lets you manage a playing audio or video file in a player window via your keyboard, for example:
– pause = space bar
– quit = q or Esc
– full screen = f
– right arrow = forward
– left arrow = back

The Sparky Player project page:

Please test both tools and report whatever you find.

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