Sparky news 2018/05

The 5th monthly report of 2018 of Sparky project:
• added new applications to repos: nicotine-plus, yarock, iridium-browser
• APTus enlarged and updated up to version 0.4.1
• released Sparky 4.8 as LXDE, Openbox, CLI images for x86 and x86_64; and Openbox and CLI for ARM machines
• updated Sparky’s Linux kernel up to version 4.16.13
• added new desktop to repos: Jade
• added a new small tool to display all installed applications in a full screen Yad window: Sparky Dashboard
• small update of Sparky 4.8.1 LXDE & MinimalGUI iso images, of the stable line
• removed from repos: midori and netsurt; the packages are still available for Sparky 4, from Debian stable repos
• due to Midori been not upgraded for 3 years about, it has been removed from the MinimalGUI iso and replaced by a small and fast (but still RC) Otter browser


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