Sparky news 2018/04

Last Updated on: 1st May 2018, 11:02 am

The 4rd monthly report of 2018 of Sparky project:
– new iso images gotten localization to be chosen from boot list
– implemented full disk encryption to upcoming Sparky 4.8 of the stable line
– APTus 0.4.0 reconfigured and enlarged of new options of installing some popular application
– sparky-xterm 0.2.0 uses now transparency tilda (on sparky 5) or xterm as before for all sparky tools
– sparky’s Linux kernel updated up to version 4.16.6
– Sparky 4.8 RC iso images (MinialGUI only) released

Sparky 4.8 should be out in the middle of May.

APTus 0.4.1 is still under development with more new features to easy Sparky configuration.


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