Sparky news 2018/03

The 3rd monthly report of 2018:
– added new packages to repos: bleachbit, notepadqq, webmin, falkon
– sparky 5.3 & 5.3 Special Editions been released
– added German locales to 8 sparky tools, thank’s to Detlef
– changes in the sparky advanced installer:
∘ changed the first window to let you quit and update the installer
∘ cut off efi and swap partitions from the partition list, after choosing them already
∘ fixed locales configuration in gui mode
∘ added ‘users’ group to the target user
– aptus locale installer: added installation of lxtq language related packages
– improved sparky-polkit to be used on all desktops and window managers, specially if you have installed more than one
– improved sparky-remsu to be using pkexec instead of gksu/lxqt-sudo/kdesudo
– sparky’s Linux kernel updated up to version 4.15.14
– localized sparky-backup-core, sparky-backup-desktop & sparky-backup-sys – please translate

Happy Easter to all of you from Aneta & Paweł


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