Sparky news 2017/05/29

Last Updated on: 29th June 2017, 09:07 pm


Not much published in May, but changes happen under the hood:
– the biggest changes are around Sparky packages – I built many source packages of Sparky tools, and they landed to our repos already. Still some packs missing, but keep building when I can
– APTus upgraded up to 0.3.11, which features new option of removing supported desktops
– new line of Linux Kernel 4.11.x started, the latest one 4.11.3 is available via sparky’s unstable repository
– built and uploaded the last RC iso images of Sparky 4.6-RC based on upcoming Debian stable “Stretch”; with Calamares as a default system installer
– Sparky’s Linux kernel script, which I use for building custom kernels has been uploaded to our git repos; feel free to test and build your own custom ones
– new applications landed in Sparky repos: Dooble web browser and Spotify client

The big news is that Debian stable “Stretch” will be out in June 17, so Sparky 4.6 STB should be ready a few days after.

The HostingXtreme no longer provides support for Sparky – they was doing that for about 2 years – thank’s a lot.

There is a new mirror server provided by so it hosts Sparky iso images now – thank’s a lot.


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