Sparky 6.7-RC1 arm64

Last Updated on: 13th April 2023, 09:07 am

The arm64 is a new architecture supported by SparkyLinux. The arm64 images are almost the same as armhf ones, but uses the Linux kernel and packages from the arm64 repos.

The images can be used on such machines:
– Raspberry Pi Zero 2
– Raspberry Pi 3
– Raspberry Pi 4
See the Raspberry Pi specification:

arm64 related packages are ready in Sparky repos.

Make sure it is the first development build so can have issues.

User: pi; password: sparky
root password: toor

I don’t have such device to make full test, I only tested it with Qemu, so test it on your Raspberry Pi devices and report whatever you find.

If you have a spare such device, please contact with me and send it out.

A used Raspberry Pi 3 device in Poland is about 400-500 PLN now (~100 Euros), but I can’t buy it – the reason is simple – money.

Get the new Sparky Openbox and CLI arm64 images from the download/development page.

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