Sparky 6.1 RC1 ARMHF

Last Updated on: 24th March 2022, 05:18 pm

Sparky 6.1 Release Candidate 1 ARMHF for single board machines RaspberryPi is out.

It is based on Debian Bullseye packages and build using the pi-gen script.

The system works on Linux kernel 5.10.63 and is available, as before, in two versions:
– Openbox – with small set of applications
– CLI – text mode only to do it yourself

user: pi, password: sparky
root user password: toor

A minimum USB flash size required (bigger – better):
– Openbox: 4GB
– CLI: 2 GB

Read the Wiki page too:


It is theoretically possible to upgrade Sparky 5 to 6 ARMHF, but never tested it, so I recommend to make a fresh installation.

Test it and report back whatever you find, please.

1 thought on “Sparky 6.1 RC1 ARMHF”

  1. Hello, I can’t see the link for ARM arquitechture (Raspberry Pi 4).

    Could you add the link for installing SparkyLinux on Raspberry Pi 4, please?


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