Sparky 5.5 RC

Last Updated on: 10th February 2020, 06:24 pm

There are new iso images of SparkyLinux 5.5 Release Candidate available to download.
Sparky 5 follows rolling release model and is based on Debian testing “Buster”.

ISO images of Sparky 5.5 RC provides bug fixing found in the 5.5 dev20180725 release.

– system update from Debian testing repos as of August 10, 2018
– Linux kernel 4.17.8 (Sparky’s kernel 4.17.14 and 4.18-rc8 is available in Sparky “unstable” repos)
– on older Linux kernel 4.16.12 is still available from live menu, which can be used in a case of any problem with the newest one
– a couple of fixes around the btrfs setting in the Advanced Installer
– fixed mount option for Calamares and Advanced installer which lets you install Sparky on UEFI machines (offline grub-efi debs installation)
– removed the Advanced Installer icon from the live desktop – it is still available from system’s menu
– due to changes in Debian, the su used before for some task, such us using apt and dpkg, is not supported and sudo command has to be used instead now
– all missing Indonesian, Brazilian and Russian locales of Sparky tools have been added to
– many small fixes

The live system uses Linux kernel 4.17.x as default.
If you would like to boot the live system using an older kernel of the 4.16.x line, edit the live boot list and change:
'vmlinuz' to 'vmlinuz416'
'initrd.img' to 'initrd416.img'

The final version of Sparky 5.5 of the rolling line should be out in the middle of September.

New 5.5 RC iso images can be downloaded from download/devlopment page.
Really big thank for help of testing goes to Szymon “lami07” and Daniel “Capitan_Jack” !
Please test it and report whatever you find.

Known issues:
– installing Sparky 5.5 RC i686 via the Advanced Installer on UEFI machines can fail (tested on VirtualBox only)
– running Sparky via 4.17.x kernel, desktops can be loaded very slowly; use pre-installed kernel 4.16.x or install the latest Sparky kernel instead.

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