Sparky 4.7

Last Updated on: 20th September 2023, 03:26 pm

There is an update of SparkyLinux 4.7 “Tyche” out there.
This is Sparky edition based on Debian stable line 9 code name “Stretch”.

No big changes, the new iso images provide updates of all installed packages, from Debian “Stretch” and Sparky repositories as of November 17, 2017.

– Linux kernel 4.9.0-4 (4.9.51)
– Xfce 4.12.3
– LXDE 0.99.2
– Openbox 3.6.1
– Firefox ESR 52.5.0
– Thunderbird 52.4.0
– Pidgin 2.12.0
– HexChat 2.12.4
– VLC 2.2.6
– DeaDBeeF 0.7.2
– LibreOffice 5.2.7
– Transmission 2.92
– Calamares 3.1.8

The new iso images can be used to perform fresh Sparky installation.

If you already have Sparky installed on a hard drive, simply make full system upgrade:
sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade

ISO images of Sparky 4.7 LXDE, Xfce, MinimalGUI (Openbox) & MinimalCLI (text mode) for i686 and x86_64/amd64 machines can be download from the download/stable page.

Consider a small donation which would help to keep Sparky project alive.

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