Sparky 2020.04~dev0

Last Updated on: 10th April 2020, 10:29 pm

Call for testers!

It is a development release of Sparky which is based on Debian testing “Bullseye”.

• added support of installation Sparky on UEFI machines with Secure Boot; the live system should be booted with Secure Boot off; after installation the Secure Boot can be turned on
• both installers: Calamares and Sparky’s Advanced provides support of such installation
• Calamares updated up to version 3.2.22
• disabled updating package list by Calamares; if you install Sparky with active Internet connection, Debian or Sparky server can be temporary off or they are not reachable, it breaks/stops the installation, but not any more now

I do not have a machine with UEFI motherboard and Secure Boot. All tests I performed on a virtual machine using QEMU/KVM so please test it and report whatever you get.

The development iso images of Sparky MinimalGUI & MinimalCLI x86_64 can be downloaded from download/development page


1 thought on “Sparky 2020.04~dev0”

  1. Próbowałem uruchomić na nowym komputerze z włączonym secure boot ale nie ruszył . Instalowałem na usb z bios- uefi i MBR oraz z usb jako gpt bez cms . bez efektu . Nie uruchamia się .


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