
Last Updated on: 27th April 2022, 12:42 pm

There is a new application available for Sparkers: Nuclear

What is Nuclear?

Nuclear is a free music streaming program that pulls content from free sources all over the internet. If you know mps-youtube, this is a similar music player but with a GUI. It’s also focusing more on audio. Imagine Spotify which you don’t have to pay for and with a bigger library.

– Searching for and playing music from YouTube (including integration with playlists and SponsorBlock), Jamendo, Audius and SoundCloud
– Searching for albums (powered by and Discogs), album view, automatic song lookup based on artist and track name (in progress, can be dodgy sometimes)
– Song queue, which can be exported as a playlist
– Loading saved playlists (stored in json files)
– Scrobbling to (along with updating the ‘now playing’ status)
– Newest releases with reviews – tracks and albums
– Browsing by genre
– Radio mode (automatically queue similar tracks)
– Unlimited downloads (powered by youtube)
– Realtime lyrics
– Browsing by popularity
– List of favorite tracks
– Listening from local library
– No accounts, No ads, No CoC, No CLA

Installation (Sparky 6 amd64 only):
sudo apt update
sudo apt install nuclear

License: GNU Affero General Public License 3


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