
Last Updated on: 27th April 2022, 01:09 pm

There is a new application available for Sparkers: FFQueue

What is FFQueue?

FFQueue is (yet another) graphical user interface for FFMpeg with comprehensive support for both the basic features but also the more advanced features like filtergraphs. FFQueue makes it easy to create multiple jobs and process them as a single queue.
FFQueue can sort out the most significant output from FFMpeg and display it in the graphical console and save it to a HTML-based (color coded) logfile for easy review when the queue has been processed.

Installation (Sparky stable & testing amd64):

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ffqueue

or via APTus-> VideoTool-> FFQueue icon.

Copyright (C) Torben Bruchhaus
License: GNU GPL v3
Web: ffqueue.bruchhaus.dk


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