Enlightenment 0.20

Last Updated on: 20th September 2023, 12:28 am

There is a new version of Enlightenment 0.20 available in our repository.

The new ‘deb’ package of Enlightenment 0.20 features:
– Enlightenment 0.20 built from the project git repos (
– EFL & friends 1.16.0
– Terminology 0.9.1

The existing e19 users have to remove the previous version of Enlightenment 0.19.x before installing e20. To do that, leave the e19 desktop – log in to other DE or to a terminal via the keys: Ctrl + Alt + F2, then (as root):
apt-get update
apt-get remove e19

It will remove the default Sparky’s e19 theme as well.

Then install e20:
apt-get install e20

You can install the theme back if you would like:
apt-get install blue-sky-sparky

If you find any problem with installing e20, try to fix it:
apt-get install -f

Then reboot your machine.


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