EDI 0.3.0

Last Updated on: 28th April 2022, 06:48 pm

There is a new “E” tool available for the Enlightenment lovers, in our repository: EDI.

EDI – The Enlightened IDE is a project to create a complete IDE using the EFL.
It aims to lower the barrier to getting involved in Enlightenment development and in creating apps based on the EFL suite.

The binary ‘deb’ package of EDI is available for 64 bit systems only.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install edi

Building for 32 bit failed.
Anyway, there is a source package available in our repos too (dsc, orig and debian archive) if you would like to build it yourself.

There is also a Wiki page of the EDI tool:

All Sparky’s Enlightenment’s applications have been re-built to provide the present versions of dependencies (specially for the source packages) and to be compatible with the upcoming EFL 1.18.

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