
Last Updated on: 27th April 2022, 01:10 pm

There is a new application available for Sparkers: Boostnote

What is Boostnote?

Boost Note is an intuitive and stylish markdown editor. It’s fully open-source, and used by 1 million developers.

– Cloud Storage – Notes in a cloud storage will be stored safely and accessible from other devices.
– Multiple Platforms – Boost Note app is available in browsers, desktop app and mobile app.
– Syntax Highlight – Boost Note can highlight more than 100 programming languages.
– Math Equations – Boost Note supports math blocks. In the blocks, you can write math equations with LaTeX syntax.
– Customizable Theme – You can customize style of the app UI, its editor and rendered markdown contents.
– File System Based Storage – -You can have full control of your data. Share your notes with your favorite cloud storage service.
– Extensible Markdown (Coming Soon) – You can introduce custom markdown syntax and configure how to render it.

Installation (Sparky testing amd64 only):

sudo apt update
sudo apt install boostnote

or via APTus-> Ofice-> Boostnote icon.

Copyright (C) 2016 – 2020 BoostIO, Inc.
License: GNU GPL v3


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