APTus 0.3.11

Last Updated on: 28th April 2022, 01:13 pm

I received a few messages from our community members (the last one from Daniel Campos Ramos) about APTus, specially about an option of desktops removing.

The point is, if APTus offers an option which lets you easy install most popular desktops, why doesn’t it let easy removing them?

It’s good question, and the possibility has been added to APTus now.

Upgrade your system or just two packages to the latest versions:
– sparky-aptus 0.3.11
– sparky-desktop 20170430
sudo apt update
sudo apt install sparky-aptus sparky-desktop

The Desktop tab has been removed, and the Desktop Installer moved to the Install tab.

The new Desktop Remover icon is placed inside the Remove tab.
It can uninstall Sparky’s desktop meta packages and all its dependencies, installed by APT, Synaptic or APTus before.

Important! Make sure you are not running a desktop you would like to remove.

Let me know if you find any problem with the new feature, please.

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