What’s next Sparky?

Last Updated on: 27th March 2022, 08:42 pm

As before, after releasing a new stable version of Sparky, there are a few changes to do.


Sparky 4 “Tyche” is moved to oldstable line now.
The latest 4.11 release is the last one of the 4 line, but it is still supported, the next 2 years about.

Sparky 5 “Nibiru” just released, moving it from testing to stable line.
The stable live/install media are available for i686, amd64 & armhf archs (the same as the older release).

The present rolling line is based on Debian testing “bullseye” and…
• new iso images will be published for amd64 arch only (rolling only)
• according to Debian’s support of 32 bit packages, Sparky also supports the i386 repo and packs, so if you have Sparky i686 installed, simply keep it updating
• new iso images of Sparky rolling change their version’s number from a static one to a date, such as: YYYY.MM; it makes much more clear which one is stable (static number), and which one is rolling (date); so Sparky 6.0 will be published as a next stable release in about 2 years (after Bullseye become stable)
• next Sparky 6 code name is “Po Tolo” – it follows Sparky’s code names of planets

What does the “Po Tolo” mean?
In the language of the African Dogon tribe, “Po Tolo” means Sirius B.

From Wikibooks (PL):

The Dogon believe that they come from the space and landed to the accompaniment of roars and flames on a side of Lake Debo. They believe that they come from the star of Sirius B – a white dwarf star located near the Sirius A, which is the brightest star in the sky. Dogons named the Sirius A – Sigi Tolo, and Sirius B – Po Tolo… …it was not known until the nineteenth century that astronomers in Europe assumed the existence of Sirius B, and its discovery took place in 1970.

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