Welcome in 2017

Last Updated on: 3rd January 2017, 12:28 am

Welcome everybody in new 2017 year!

I am still online, and I hope you are ready for Sparky this year too.

I was sick a few last days, means no drinking, no dancing, just hot tea with lemon and honey and vitamins. But nothing happens without reasons, for sure.

I made some small changes and improvements, mostly around APTus and its Desktop module:
– the Pantheon desktop is back, thank’s to gandalfn and his repository
– due to added Sparky stable repository, the APTus can not install some desktops on Debian stable “Jessie”, such as: bspwm, Budgie, Deepin, Enlightenment, Pantheon. APTus pops up an info about that, if you try to install the desktops on Jessie.
– Trinity developers provide separate repository of TDE for Debian stable and testing, so APTus uses the right one now, depends of your Debian/Sparky version
– Lumina desktop package was built on Debian testing, but it works fine on Jessie too; it uses ‘lxpolkit’ now, instead of ‘policykit-1-gnome’.

Make sure your system is up-to-date to get the latest changes.

Let me know if any problem with installing any supported desktop, please.

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