TOR Messenger

Last Updated on: 29th March 2022, 10:14 pm

Have you heard about TOR Messenger?

The TOR team has announced TOR Messenger 0.1.0b2.

What is it?

Tor Messenger is a cross-platform chat program that aims to be secure by default and sends all of its traffic over Tor. It supports a wide variety of transport networks, including Jabber (XMPP), IRC, Google Talk, Facebook Chat, Twitter, Yahoo, and others; enables Off-the-Record (OTR) Messaging automatically; and has an easy-to-use graphical user interface localized into multiple languages.

The TOR Messenger package contains the TOR Anonymity Network application and an instant messenger based on Instantbird.

The TOR Messenger (as well as TOR Browser) is available in SparkyLinux repository.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tor-messenger

Make sure it is still a beta version.

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