
Last Updated on: 28th April 2022, 01:07 pm

There is new application available for Sparkers: Tomb.

Tomb is an 100% free and open source system for file encryption on GNU/Linux, facilitating the backup of secret files. Tomb is written in code that is easy to review and links commonly shared components.

Tomb generates encrypted storage folders to be opened and closed using their associated keyfiles, which are also protected with a password chosen by the user.

A tomb is like a locked folder that can be safely transported and hidden in a filesystem; its keys can be kept separate, for instance keeping the tomb file on your computer harddisk and the key files on a USB stick.

Tomb is a simple tool to manage encrypted storage on GNU/Linux, from the hashes of the dyne:bolic nesting mechanism.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install tomb

Full list of Tomb options is available via the command:
man tomb

There is also a Zenity based GUI to Tomb called GTomb, available in Sparky repos:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install gtomb

Let me know if any problem, specially about dependencies, if any, please.

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