TeamSpeak Installer

Last Updated on: 28th April 2022, 06:31 pm

There is a new tool for gamers, available in Sparky repos: TeamSpeak Installer.

From Wikipedia:

TeamSpeak is proprietary voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) software for audio communication between users on a chat channel, much like a telephone conference call. Users typically use headphones with a microphone. The client software connects to a TeamSpeak server of the user’s choice, from which the user may join chat channels.

The TeamSpeak installer can download, install, upgrade/reinstall and remove the TeamSpeak client for Linux.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install teamspeak-installer

or via just upgraded Sparky APTus Gamer 0.1.15.

The installer is placed in the Game submenu, so run it after installing it.
The installer provides a menu entry, if the client installation is successfully, to easy you launching the client.

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