SparkyLinux 2.1 beta1 “Eris” MATE Edition

Last Updated on: 29th April 2022, 07:12 pm

SparkyLinux 2.1 beta1 “Eris” MATE Edition is ready for testing.
The system is built as all 2.x releases on Debian testing “Wheezy”.
MATE is a fork of GNOME 2 desktop environment.

A few years ago, when I started my adventure with Linux, GNOME 2 was my favorite graphical interface. “Evolutionary” changes of GNOME 3 completely discouraged me to it. But I found a big potential in other desktops – Xfce, e17, LXDE and Openbox.
But the sentiment remained.
My hope revived with MATE, I have been following its development almost from the beginning.
Today MATE is in very good condition so I decided to restore the glory of GNOME 2 for myself (and others).
SparkyLinux MATE Edition features the same set of applications, codecs and other tools that included in the main version “Eris”.
The desktop is very traditional, there is only one exception – Wbar launcher.
I am very conservative with that.

What’s under the hood:
– Linux kernel 3.2.0-4
– mate-core 1.4.0
– mate-desktop 1.4.2-1
– iceweasel 10.0.12
– icedove 10.0.11-1
– brasero 3.4.1
– cups 1.5.3
– exaile
– gimp 2.8.2
– gparted 0.12.1
– libreoffice 3.5.4
– mplayer 2.0
– network-manager 0.9.4
– openjdk 7u3
– pidgin 2.10.6
– vlc 2.0.5
– wine 1.4.1

SparkyLinux 2.1 b1 MATE is available for 32 bit machines.
64 bit release will be published as RC after fixing first bugs.

Root password is blank.
If you have to work as superuser, use “sudo” (with no password):
sudo app-name

sudo su

To set up Live system’s root password:
sudo su

To install SparkyLinux on hard drive, run “SparkyLinux hard drive installer” icon (with GUI).
To run text mode installer, type:
sudo sparkylinux-installer

Minimum hardware requirements for “Ultra Edition”:
– CPU i386 or x86_64
– RAM memory 384 MB
– SWAP partition 512 MB
– DVD drive or USB Flash Disk
– for hard drive installation 5GB of disk space (minimum) – 10GB recommended

Test SparkyLinux and report any bug please.
If you downloading via BitTorrent, please seed – I have limited access to the network.

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1 thought on “SparkyLinux 2.1 beta1 “Eris” MATE Edition”

  1. Pingback: Introducing SparkyLinux 2.1 Beta 1 “Eris” MATE Edition | The Linux Site

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