Sparky-Polkit 0.2.x

Last Updated on: 28th March 2022, 04:54 pm

There is a new version of ‘sparky-polkit’ 0.2.x availabe in Sparky repos.

What is Sparky-Polkit?
The ‘sparky-polkit’ tool chooses a PolicyKit authentication agent (lxpolkit or gnome policykit), and is targeted to all window managers supported by Sparky. As desktop environments use their own polkits; window managers don’t have and don’t use any as default.

How does Sparky-Polkit work?
The new version of the 0.2.x line checks all desktops polkits; if detects any, just quit.
If not, it runs lxpolkit (default now) or gnome policykit (was default before) if not working yet.
It prevents to run more then one polkit, what could make problems.

Changing it from gnome policykit to lxpolkit made the dialog window smaller and looks nicer.

No changes required if your window manager starts ‘sparky-polkit’ as Sparky installation provides it as default.

If sparky-remsu provides authentication mechanism to Sparky tools only, that sparky-polkit does it to all applications which require your/root password.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install sparky-polkit

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